The Active Calculus Users Google Group for instructors has more than 500 current members; any instructor using one of the three texts (or considering one of them) is welcome. Joining the Google group and following our blog are the best ways to stay appraised of resources and updates. There is also an Active Calculus – Multivariable Users Google Group that those who use Active Multi are invited to join.
Every August, we provide an updated post in the Google group on ancillary materials and resources that are available for three textbooks. Ancillaries include sample syllabi for each course, WeBWorK .def files and links to Edfinity courses for online homework, and information about other materials available upon request, such as supplementary homework exercises, lab activities, and learning targets/quiz banks.
If you are new to using one of the texts, reading the Students!Read this! and Instructors! Read this! sections of the Active Single preface will give you a good introduction to important things about each book.
The HTML version of each text should always be viewed as the most current and accurate, because it is far easier to update and post the HTML; the posted PDF of each text should be used primarily as an option that doesn’t require internet access (once downloaded) and that can be marked up on a tablet; the print versions of each text were last updated in August 2019, so there are some minor differences between HTML and print, most of which are tied to fixing small errors in the text. New print versions are expected in 2024 or 2025; each is a major time investment.
In the front matter of each text, you can see the date on which the HTML was last updated. For example, Active Single.