The textbook
The student workbook: chapters 1-4
The student workbook: chapters 5-8
This book is different. Think of it as a workbook, not a worked-book.
Research shows people learn better when they interactively engage and struggle with ideas themselves, rather than passively watch others. Instead of reading worked examples or watching an instructor complete examples, Active Single engages students with Activities that prompt them to grapple with concepts and develop deep understanding. Students should spend time in class working with peers on Activities and getting feedback from them and their instructor.
Each section begins with a short introduction and a Preview Activity; students should read the short introduction and complete the Preview Activity prior to class (and instructors should require this).
Instructors should visit the Instructors page to learn more about available supporting materials and to join the Google Group for Instructors.
Every student should acquire a copy of the Student Activities Workbook for their course, which is available in low-cost print from Amazon or as a free PDF from the links below on the left. Students should complete all of the activities in the relevant sections of the text and use the workbook to keep a careful record of their work.
Note! There are separate workbooks for Calculus 1 (chapters 1-4) and Calculus 2 (chapters 5-8); scroll down further at left for the chapters 5-8 workbook. Be sure to confirm with your instructor the one you need before purchasing a copy; many instructors also have their university bookstore print a coursepack from the PDF.
Active Calculus Single is designed to support an active learning approach in the first two semesters of calculus. The text includes approximately 200 activities and 500 exercises. In the HTML version, more than 250 of the exercises are available as anonymous interactive WeBWorK exercises. The GVSU Mathematics Department also offers YouTube playlists of screencasts for both Calculus 1 (chapters 1-4) and Calculus 2 (chapters 5-8) that align with the text. You can learn more about the text in the Our Goals section of the preface, and the subsequent section Features of the Text.